Wood flooring refinishing breathes new life into old, dull hardwood floors. Often, older homes have gorgeous hardwood floors waiting to be discovered underneath old, tattered carpet. If you discover this hidden gem in your home, consider giving those floors a new life with the right fix.
The first step in brightening up your floors is determining whether or not the boards are good candidates for the process. If you find that the boards are warped, buckled, soft, soggy, or saggy, they need to be replaced. If they are dull and scratched, but otherwise solid, then it is time to look into wood flooring refinishing.
The hardest part about the process is sanding the floors. Use a drum sander with 20 to 36 grit sandpaper to buff up the floor. Start slowly, as the machine can scuff your floors. After you place the sander in place, walk forward along the grain of the hardwood, from one half of the wall to …